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How Can I Implement Zoho?

Updated November 16, 2022 | 2 min read
Published March 18, 2022
Kira Tchernikovsky
Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer at Customerization

Here are the three ways you can implement Zoho:

  1. DIY Configuration: Use in-house resources and a variety of online tutorials.

✨ This option is good when you have standardized business processes, and you don’t need much customization to Zoho’s default functionality.

⚠️ Of course, you will need coachable, tech savvy resources as there’s a learning curve to getting up to speed on all things Zoho.

  1. Hire a Zoho Partner like us to support you on your Zoho journey.

✨ Tapping into the expert knowledge saves you time, effort, and money. An experienced partner will help:

✅ Define the Zoho implementation roadmap for your company

✅ Document what applications you need to use

✅ The specific steps needed to implement the applications

✅ Training for your staff to use the new system as well

⚠️ Be careful when comparing overall implementation costs with a partner vs DIY.  On the DIY side you will need to factor in the costs of your in-house resources and other ‘hidden costs’:

  • Staff Hourly Rate x # of Hours of Training Needed to learn Zoho
  • Plus cost of implementing new changes X hourly rate X hours of training to learn how to implement those changes
  • And don’t forget, when problems occur, to factor in the additional time it takes to figure out what is causing the problem and how to solve it.
  1. Hire freelance resources on one of the platforms (like UpWork or Fiverr).

✨ This is a less expensive option than a Zoho partner.

⚠️ Reliability concerns with freelancers who are not fully capable of delivering on a complete solution especially if you need a customized solution particular to your business and/or industry.