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About Customerization company

At Customerization, we focus on supporting your business technology transformation.

Technology can drive more business; the question is where will it take you? You must prepare for the road ahead. Anticipate the curves and blindspots you may face. Have a plan for roadblocks and challenges you face. Be positioned to take advantage of the speed technology delivers.

Digital transformation requires a technology strategy to map the journey for success. We help you create this roadmap, and select technology to achieve your goals. We don’t make the software you select; we make the software you select, work better for you.

At Customerization this is our specialty – helping you use technology to automate business processes that achieve your business goals.

So, let’s meet the team that makes all of this possible for you.

About Customerization Company
Kira Tchernikovsky


Kira is an international marketing consultant with over 14 years of experience with startup companies and corporates.
“We started Customerization to help Canadian small and medium companies to automate their business processes. We believe business automation is the key differentiator that makes a company standout from their competitors.

Every business needs their competitive edge - that special something that competitors don’t have and you do have that gives you an advantage.

Business automation technology + Customerization = your competitive advantage.”


Anton has worked in a variety of startup companies, both large and small. Over the last twenty years with direct hands-on experience in delivering client value, one major theme emerged for him.
“Focus on value – every minute of our consulting should bring value.”

He’s seen many projects become burdened by layers of unnecessary team members, contradictory methodologies with extra steps required for the sake of billing hours to a project. This drives up costs and drives down value for clients.

Customerization has been built on this founding principle of delivering results based on the clients’ goals in the shortest time possible.

“We hire experienced consultants that can quickly complete complex technical tasks for our clients that allow them to more efficiently manage their business and stay focused on their own revenue goals vs spending excess funds on the IT budget.

Our customers are small and mid-size businesses where every dollar counts, and internal resources are light; so we provide value-focused results that drive business automation and efficiency.”
Anton Tchernikovsky

Our Team


Senior Consultant


Senior Consultant


Functional Consultant




Marketing Operations

Customer Reviews

Laney McCandless
DFW Camp Expo

“One of the things I really loved about my implementation team, Olesia and Diana, was that they really took the time to listen to me about the kinds of automations I needed. They were proactive and even anticipated questions I would have so that I felt very comfortable with the solution.
Anis Somji

When setting up our CRM, the Customerization team was professional, efficient and comprehensive especially with how they managed the complex data migration with total ease. Highly recommend Customerization and look forward to enjoying the benefits of our improved customer experience!
Jamie Draves, President and CEO
Quinta Quinoa

“The Customerization team works as a true partner. They are focused on the end goal and outcome, and have a ton of ideas on different ways to optimize your Zoho implementation.”
Fiona Dixon, Head of Operations

“Customerization team has taken us to another level by automating our processes, integrating several systems, and helping us be a lot more effective and efficient.”


Mentor At

How We Implement Business Automation Software For Your Success

How We Implement Business Automation Software For Your Success

We take an agile approach:
Our solution is personalized to:
As a consulting and implementation company we work with small & medium businesses and small enterprises across multiple industries every day. That means: we get you. We know the right questions to ask, we anticipate challenges you may face, and provide the fit for purpose solution without any confusion. Right solution. Right fit. Every time.
Implement Business Automation
As a consulting and implementation company we work with small & medium businesses and small enterprises across multiple industries every day. That means: we get you. We know the right questions to ask, we anticipate challenges you may face, and provide the fit for purpose solution without any confusion. Right solution. Right fit. Every time.

When do you need a business automation partner and why?

Grab 15 Min With Us To See
  How We Can Help You

Why Business Automation Gives You A Competitive Advantage

Drive Revenue Growth

Drive Revenue Growth

Operational efficiency and Strategic insights provide Opportunities for upsell and Cross-sell to add new revenue And grow your business.
Drive Revenue Growth

Reduce Risk

Business automation software gives you more insight to at risk customers and customer behavior.You can now implement better policies To protect your business and reduce risk.
Drive Revenue Growth

Reduce Cost

The efficiences and insight gained Allow for analysis and strategic action Like targeted spending reductions

Expertise matters

Icon Expertise Matters

We’re a team of seasoned business technology experts with passion for helping ambitious and growing SMBs. 

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Exceptional Zoho consultants and developers specializing in Zoho One, Zoho CRM, Zoho Books, Zoho Inventory, Zoho Recruit and other Zoho Applications.We develop custom applications and write Deluge code. Experts in data migration via API.

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Our prior expertise of 15+ years in Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM, Power BI, SQL, etc., comes handy in more sophisticated Zoho projects involving integrations, migrations, etc.
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But mainly what this vast expertise allows us to do, is to think solutions, not features. Find those (solutions) even if they’re nor written black on white on the Zoho website.

Ready to talk?

Book a 30 min call to understand your challenges and priorities and see if we are the right fit for you.

Still Undecided on Zoho? Take Advantage of Our Free Consultation Offer!

We can help assess your needs and determine the next set of steps to move forward. Grab 15 min here.